What information does Hafiz Jee Real Estate And Builders store?
Hafiz Jee Real Estate And Builders stores the information you provide us at the time of account signup, subscription to our services.
What do we do with this information?
Hafiz Jee Real Estate And Builders uses it to communicate with you and in order to assist you better in near future
Does Hafiz Jee Real Estate And Builders share my info with 3rd party?
Absolutely Not! Hafiz Jee Real Estate And Builders respects your privacy, and under no circumstances we share your information with 3rd Party, except for when, we are legally required by the court of law, that is when we are bound to provide your information to the court.
Does Hafiz Jee Real Estate And Builders stores any cookie?
Yes, we do store a cookie, but information collected is anonymous. This information is used in improving our service by collecting information of user actions on our website.